Tuesday 17 April 2012

Body and Prime

Today I'm making a start back on the body work see it i can get a bit more  done, the weather seems ok, just hope it stays that way :) off to halfords if Telford shortly, so see you soon :)

So far the weather has been horrid to me , and every time I've gone out it has started raining, god i hate days like this, really gets on my nerves.

But anyway here we go, not much but least i can put something.

As I explained yesterday, the suspension on the passenger side had start to drop and thanks to my mate Ste, pointing out where i was looking i decide to undertake the task of raising the torsion bar with my home made tool, *see yesterday* lol i did struggle I'm not gonna lie, but i did it in the end.

So for anyone new to this kinda stuff, the pic above is the bolt you are looking for, its about a third to half way down the vehicle from the from end, you WILL need a breaker bar as its a bugger to move, although i didn't have one i extended my wrench with a solid bit wood and that seems to have done the trick, Jacking the front end up helps a great deal, because then you don't have the whole weight of the truck to lift as well.

Please be careful and don't do what i did and near break your hand LOL

Anyway i started today by getting the bit of rubber on the trim back in place and it seems to be sitting neater than it was thankfully and you can also see the primer i had done before, and now being closer you can see its looking pretty neat. Oh by the way , when spraying i find it best to spray off and not go back on yourself while still on the body, otherwise you end up with blobs either end of the panel you are spraying, as long as everything is papered and covered this shouldn't be a problem.

Remember to prepare the surface for priming, using a wet and dry paper, (400 grit) sand down any paint flaking , scratches, marks, and any last out standing bits of filler.

Whist talking about filler, when you have filled and sanded, don't forget to look for any outstanding holes in the filler or pin holes, and REFILL these and sand down when dry, its worth remembering when you spray these pin hole and marks will stand out a mile , so do your best to make them as smooth as possible .

Its chucking down outside again, thought id share that .

So any little marks as i said and as i show here can be easy to sand out. Don't forget to rub your fingers lightly over it to make sure its smooth.

Really before spraying you should remove the shine from the paint work to allow the spray to adhere to the body properly.

Anyway enough for now, the sun is out and I'm off to check for clouds in the distance , see you later :)

Well after a few more showers it stay dry, sadly no photos during the papering up and getting ready . but here is a before and after, remember you can click pics to make them bigger :)

This is before, pic used from the other day. you can see the bottom already primed and a patchy area above it .

And now the whole door is ready to be top coated, i think it looks ok to be honest :)
Im really hoping the rain stays off tomorrow, as i want to do the other door, saying that, i may do the wing as its smaller and dont know how much is left in the tin LOL , take care all and see you tomorrow . bye for now  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trev, nice to have an all-consuming interest is'nt it! Good luck with the restoration mate, much impressed so far!!
